

Pranam song Telugu lyrics From JAANU movie

Pranam song Telugu lyrics penned by Shree Mani, music composed by Govind Vasantha, and sung by Chinmayi sripada and Gowtham from the movie JAANU.

Pranam song lyrics
Song NamePranam
SingerChinmayi sripada and Gowtham
Music Govind Vasantha
LyricstShree Mani

Song and Movie Details::... 

Song: Pranam

Lyrics: Shree Mani
Singers: Chinmayi sripada and Gowtham Bharadwaj V
Music : Govind Vasantha

Movie Name - Jaanu
Cast - Sharwanand, Samantha
Director - C Premkumar
Music: Govind Vasantha
Producers - Raju, Shirish
Co-Producer - Harshith Reddy
DOP- Mahendiran Jayaraju
Dialogues:Mirchi Kiran
Editor - Praveen KL

Pranam Song Telugu lyrics

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Pranam Song English lyrics

Pranam Na Pranam, Neetho Ila,
Ganam Tholi Ganam, Paadey Vela,

Thara Theeram,
Mana Darilo Kanthule Kurisela,
Chala Dooram, Rabovu Udayalane Visirela,
Pranam Naa Pranam, Neetho Ila,
Ganam Tholi Ganam, Pade Vela,

[Instrumental Break]

Mana Balyame, Oka Pourname,
Oke Kathai Ala,
Mana Doorame, Amavasyale,
Chiro Kathai Ila,

Malli-Malli Jabili Vela,
Vennela Jallindhila, Nee Jantaga,

Marelope Ee Nimisham Kalala,
Dhacheyali Gundelo Guruthula,

Thara Theeram, Mana Dharilo Kanthule Kurisela,

Chala Dhuram, Rabovu Udayalane Visirela. 

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This Pranam song is from this JAANU movie.

Chinmayi sripada and Gowtham is the singer of this Pranam song.

This Pranam Song lyrics is penned by Shree Mani.

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